A Modest Proposal for a New Guide

Shayin C K ckshayin1971 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Nov 12 14:49:17 UTC 2006

I think it is a good idea. As soon as the 'Powers-that-be' approve it,
we can have a go at it.
My own suggestions and ideas:
1. The section on Getting Started begins with how it is similar
to/different from Microsoft Windows. I think Fedora has matured to a
point where we have to get rid of this Windows fixation where we have to
point out how better or worse Linux is compared to Windows.
2. The Desktop user guide reads: "After reading this, you
_should_(emphasis mine) be able to ..." Suppose a user is not able to
all that? Is he supposed to feel bad about it?
I think our style should be more non-judgmental and without laying any
targets for the user. Let us not set any objectives for the user. Let
him get started. Let us not intimidate him.
3. The number of technical sounding words can be brought down or at
least they can be suitably hyperlinked(another technical word ;-) ). For
example(fedora Desktop guide):
After reading this guide, you should:


      Be able to login to your computer


      Be familiar with the layout of the default Fedora Core 6 desktop


      Be able to use Nautilus, a file and system navigator


      Be able to use Evolution, an e-mail client


      Be able to use Gaim, an instant messenger client


      Be able to use Firefox, a web-browser


      Be able to use OpenOffice, an office suite


      Be able to customize your new Fedora Core 6 desktop

The technical words:
login, layout, default, desktop, file, navigator, e-mail 'client',
web-browser, office suite, customize
Let us assume that a new user who has never used any
computer(Windows/non-windows) starts using Fedora Core and we have to
manage to get him working. Why do we assume that only a technically
experienced user will be switching to Linux?

Shayin C K

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