Icon extractor for linux apps

John Babich jmbabich at gmail.com
Sat Sep 23 20:20:26 UTC 2006

Paul / Tommy:

Thanks for the pointers. I'll try out your solutions and let you know how it


On 9/23/06, Tommy Reynolds <Tommy.Reynolds at megacoder.com> wrote:
> Uttered "John Babich" <jmbabich at gmail.com>, spake thus:
> > Does any one know of a linux utility that extracts embedded icons from a
> > linux
> > application? I know of several such utilities for Windows.
> >
> > If such a utility doesn't exist, is there an alternate method to achieve
> the
> > same results.
> You are right: icons in Linux applications are not packaged in a
> resource file like WinDoze duz.  Instead, they are either separate
> files installed by the RPM, or they are embedded in the program text
> where they look a lot like orginary code.
> Two solutions come to mind:
> 1) Pick them out of the RPM file.  Say you have a program "foo" and
>    you know there are icons associated with it.  Using The Force,
>    Luke, you can use this command line string:
>    $ rpm -q -f $(which foo) -l | egrep -i '.(png|jpg|gif|xpm|xbm)$'
>    to see a list of image files installed by the RPM which owns the
>    executable "foo".  (If you already know the path to the "foo"
>    executable, just replace the "$(which foo)" with that path.
> 2) Cheat by using a screen shot...
> --
> I'm already an anomaly, I shall soon be an anachronism, and I have
> every intention of dying an abuse!
> --
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