wiki problems

Karl Larsen k5di at
Mon Dec 17 23:01:47 UTC 2007

Karl Larsen wrote:
> Vladimir Kosovac wrote:
>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>> Paul W. Frields wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 13:58 -0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>>> Paul W. Frields wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 13:12 -0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>>>>> Here is my latest wiki problem. I can get up to what appears to be
>>>>>>>> my page because it has my wiki name in upper left which is
>>>>>>>> KarlLarsen. Just below that is the words Create New Page.
>>>>>>>>     I click on that and get this error message:
>>>>>>>> You are not allowed to edit this page.
>>>>>>>>     I'm at a stop now because I can't start.
>>>>>>> I don't see your name listed in the Fedora Account System, 
>>>>>>> Karl.  Did
>>>>>>> you follow the instructions at the page to which I sent you a link
>>>>>>> earlier?:
>>>>>>> If so, did you register under some other name?
>>>>>>     First, When I try to get to the web page you show I get a "Page
>>>>>> does not exist" error and a lot of other choices.
>>>>> I'm sorry, that link should have been:
>>>>> Please try again.
>>>>    Well in another way I got to a page that seems to be a sign-up page
>>>> and it does not like the things I put in for my GPG numbers. This is
>>>> because I know shit-nothing about them except that if you just put $
>>>> gpg in a window it calculates a lot of things. I put my "finger" on my
>>>> messages but that may be wrong too.
>>>> Karl
>>> Here is what I did. I removed the old gpg things and did a new one. 
>>> Here
>>> is what it printed when it was done:
>>> gpg: checking the trustdb
>>> gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
>>> gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
>>> pub   1024D/FA8EC752 2007-12-17
>>>      Key fingerprint = 28AC 2D41 EF25 0417 7166  DD81 44BD ABFC FA8E 
>>> C752
>>> uid                  Karl Larsen (For Fedora Doc work) 
>>> <k5di at>
>>> sub   1024g/9A70DE59 2007-12-17
>>> Which number do I need to put in the two spaces on the sign-up page? It
>>> is not at all clear to me.
>> Karl, it's your public key ID:
>> FA8EC752
>> Vladimir
>>> Karl
> I think another problem is the MIT keyserver. When I try to send my 
> key to them Iget:
> [karl at k5di ~]$ gpg --keyserver --send-keys FA8EC752
> gpg: sending key FA8EC752 to hkp server
> gpg: keyserver timed out
> gpg: keyserver send failed: keyserver error
> [karl at k5di ~]$
> It appears to be a MIT problem.
> Karl
This is what worked after reading man gpg:

[karl at k5di ~]$ gpg --keyserver-options 
--send-keys FA8EC752
gpg: sending key FA8EC752 to hkp server
[karl at k5di ~]$



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
GPG DF28 8F18 94F8 D5C6 9E44  163F 7FD1 3D06 C325 DA40

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