Jonathan Roberts at
Wed Jul 18 10:42:57 UTC 2007

Hi John, sorry after getting you to do the tasks I never got on to
actually doing any work :S

Been working hard to get another project a little further along (check
it out, you might be interested, -
going to do a Fedora spin today/tomorrow I think :D) but I'm hoping to
get on to this soon (and the Revisor docs...)

These three tasks though:


Add high-level explanation of how to add software to the desktop.
Provide relevant links. Take this task

Add high-level explanation on how to do updates, with links to
relevant guides. Take this task
These two I think are already taken care of since we moved the stuff
over from the SMG?
Choose an application and give a good explanation of how to install it
and use it. This should be put in the proper category. For instance, a
description of Exaile should be put in the Playing Multimedia section
of the FDUG. Take this task

It seems strange to me to only give a clear example of how to use a
single application? Or have I misunderstood? Also, a good explanation
of how to install it is covered by the previous tasks, and hence I
think already done?


On 06/07/07, John Babich <jmbabich at> wrote:
> I wrote over 24 hours ago:
> > > Give me 24 hours to update the task list.
> >
> Sorry, it took a little longer to do.
> See the tasks page for the Fedora Desktop User Guide at
> My apologies for the lousy formatting. Stickster, can you take a look
> at it and put it in its proper shape?
> Thanks,
> John Babich
> Volunteer, Fedora Docs Project
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