translation theory question

Karsten Wade kwade at
Tue Mar 13 20:12:30 UTC 2007

I was wondering ... would it be desireable to be able to flag a chunk of
content as, "Don't retranslate"?

The case I'm thinking of is where a small change in the source language
fixes punctuation, grammar, or style without affecting the meaning.  The
current translation tools flag that section as fuzzy or untranslated,
after the change is made.

I can do this manually by diffing the two POT files, finding the changed
msgid sections, and sending out a note not to bother translating those
msgids.  But that throws off the automagic tools that say how much needs
to be translated, etc.

So I'm wondering:

1. Is this a good idea?
2. Can we do it with xml2po?

- Karsten
Karsten Wade, RHCE, 108 Editor    ^     Fedora Documentation Project 
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