GSoC: Publishing man/info pages

MBurns maburns at
Thu Mar 22 18:50:01 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I'm interested in working on one of the Fedora bounties, specifically the
'publishing man pages' project [1]. For those that might not know, the
project is to have an automated way to grab all the man and info pages from
a release and put them on the web to be searched and browsed online.
Extending that, putting the documentation into a wiki system is also
possible (and open some interesting opportunities, in my eyes).

I was wondering what some of the groups thoughts and goals of this project
might be. Both so that ideas can be brought out early, but also to know what
I might be getting myself into :)

So I pose the questions:
*Would you like to see man/info pages be online? (broken down by release
version, etc, or not)
*Would you want them in a wiki?
*What about pushing changes on the wiki back to the maintainers of the
respective packages?
*Would this be a welcome addition or just more work?
*What would you like to see this project accomplish in terms of Fedora
Documentation? (hopefully beyond just googling for a man page and having it
return a URL)



Michael Burns * Open Source Lab
    Oregon State University
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