Fedora 7 installation guide and release notes

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Thu May 31 10:12:15 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 03:58 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Hi
> When are these getting published? It would make it easier to link to if 
> they were published a bit earlier to the actual release. Is there any 
> other documents waiting to be published on the pipeline?

Continual balance of resources and effort.

Both have a schedule and some fairly obvious reasons for that:


For the release notes, we wait until the last possible moments to merge
content from the Wiki.  This is part of the promise made to provide
latest content.

For the Installation Guide and other guides, you'll note in the schedule
that PO files were due for guides yesterday.  This is part of the
promise made to translators to give them long enough to translate.

In this release, we took advantage of the extra time we had to get
additional content included for translation and inclusion in the ISO.

Finally, the release notes are modified at the last minute to contain
the release name, which is traditionally kept "secret" until the release
is made official.

> What's the status on the updated Fedora user guide. I still need to 
> update the software management guide which is hopefully done soon.

You might have missed the proposal made on this list a few weeks ago.

A group of us in a FDSCo meeting (including UG and AG contributors) felt
that we could merge the SMG content into the UG and AG.  All of the
user-oriented content goes into the UG, and any special repo making
content goes into the AG.

So, the content still needs updating with each release, but the title
would go away, merged into two others.  

What think ye?

> It might be useful to link to all the relevant user specific docs esp 
> ones focusing on Fedora 7 prominently from http://docs.fedoraproject.org
> There was a short document on burning images,

http://docs.fedoraproject.org/readme-burning-isos/ ?

I changed the link on the page to read "Making (Burning) Fedora Discs"

>  virt guide in 
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Fedora7VirtQuickStart and possibly 
> others.

Ah, hmm, yes.

Keep the suggestions coming for user-specific docs.  Although we want to
produce a Fedora Live CD/Images Guide, we need to link to the current
content for now.  I'll push some of that up tonight.

- Karsten
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