AdminGuide work

Vladimir Kosovac vnk at
Fri Nov 2 22:09:54 UTC 2007

BTW, I just figured how tough is this one going to be - word 'windows'
will be used more times in this section alone than in the rest of the
wiki put together :-(


Vladimir Kosovac wrote:
> All,
> I have just started Samba write-up for the Servers section in the Wiki.
> It's sandboxed at the moment, once I have complete layout and more
> content I shall copy it to Drafts.
> One question: some of the newer (like DNS) AdminGuide sections use the
> old layout, with TOCs but some others don't (like MailServer). My
> understanding is that we should avoid TOCs and multiple pages to ease
> wiki-->DocBook conversion. Is that correct?
> Vladimir

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