join DocWritersGroup

Murray murray.mcallister at
Mon Oct 1 20:16:36 UTC 2007

Bart Couvreur wrote:
> Op maandag 01-10-2007 om 21:54 uur [tijdzone +1000], schreef Murray:
>> Hi,
>> I have just been approved for cla_redhat. I was wondering if I was 
>> suppose to join the DocWritersGroup by asking here, or by editing my 
>> Fedora Account. When I attempt to add DocWritersGroup as a new 
>> membership I receive the following error:
> [snip]
> Yep, that's completely normal, because the DocWritersGroup[1] is a
> wiki-group which is a totally different concept to FAS group. You
> actually don't need to add yourself to that group anymore to start
> drafting[2] in the wiki, being part of the (wiki-group) EditGroup[3] is
> enough.
> Could you tell us where you found that info? We might have missed a page
> when we changed the access-stuff, thanks in advance.
>> Thanks for your time and help.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Murray.
> Bart
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:

Sorry about that, I just misinterpreted the information:

It was "Ask to be added to the DocWritersGroup".

Thanks for your help and the links :)

- Murray.

pub   1024D/81B3FDEB 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18]
Key fingerprint = 4ED9 9907 5BF0 4132 2B46  20D1 C0C6 362D 81B3 FDEB
Murray McAllister (Fedora Docs Project / mdious) 
<murray.mcallister at>
sub   2048g/B04CFA0C 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18]

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