permissions pages

Murray McAllister murray.mcallister at
Sun Oct 21 22:38:47 UTC 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have started the Permissions and Access control pages:

I haven't created a new page/links on the wiki before, so apologies if
I've done it wrong (it all seems to work far ;) ).

I have just created a basic structure before work, and will add
content (hopefully) soon. I'm not really sure what is meant by Access
Control - so please feel free to edit!

Kind Regards,


pub   1024D/81B3FDEB 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18]
Key fingerprint = 4ED9 9907 5BF0 4132 2B46  20D1 C0C6 362D 81B3 FDEB
Murray McAllister (Fedora Docs Project / mdious) <murray.mcallister at>
sub   2048g/B04CFA0C 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18]

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