A self introductory

Christoffer Lilleåsen chris at agresio.com
Wed Oct 24 22:38:39 UTC 2007

pub   1024D/3C21E23B 2007-09-07
       Key fingerprint = B659 07A4 CD05 C6A5 0318  F69D D31C A4EA  
3C21 E23B
uid                  Christoffer Lilleaasen <chris at agresio.com>
sub   4096g/15184F21 2007-09-07

Hi guys!

I'm a 31 year old man from Oslo, Norway. My name is in the signature  
I've been working with networks and computer security for the last 5  
years, before that I was an instructor in TCP/IP among other things.  
I'm currently taking a year off, studying for Security+ and RHCE  

I have translated student material from english to norwegian in my  
days as an instructor, and would like to join the Fedoraproject and  
offer some translation or writing in english.
Primarily, I'm interested in things related to networking and security.

I've been working with both Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and some FreeBSD  
through the years.
I'm a hobbyist Python programmer, have done some Java and C as well.

Best regards:

Christoffer Lilleaasen

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