Fedora howtos ?

Vladimir Kosovac vnk at mkc.co.nz
Fri Feb 1 06:59:40 UTC 2008

Valent Turkovic wrote:
> On Jan 31, 2008 7:58 PM, Eric H Christensen <eric at christensenplace.us> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Valent,
>> Not sure exactly what Howto you are looking for but there are documents at http://docs.fedoraproject.org and on the Fedora Project Wiki.
>> Eric
> I'm asking if there are answers to most common questions, I see the
> FAQ but those are the most basic Q&A and I see lots of questions
> poping up on mailinlists and forums that don't have answers.
> Like this one:
> "How can I setup samba to work (mount & unmount on bootup and
> shutdown) in Fedora 8 (there are SELinux and NetworManager issues)."
Valent, I recently wrote samba paper as a section of the draft 
Administration Guide. You can find it here:


It's paragraph 5.5. Guide is set for release with the release of Fedora 
9, which should give it more visibility.

I don't use Network Manager and am not aware of the issues samba client 
might have with it. SElinux requirements are explained in the same paper.

> I know that there are lots of knowledgeable fedora users and devels
> that can answer these and similar questions but new users need to know
> where to look for them. Can something be done so that somewhere these
> howto Q&A are accesible easily to new users - maybe some wiki page?
There is nothing standing in a way of someone who wants to take the 
ownership of any new useful documentation, including FAQ. We are a bit 
short-handed at the moment though - would you be interested in joining 
the docs project, perhaps and start on this one? I'm happy to help as 
much as I can, more once AdminGuide work is completed.

Cheers, Vladimir

> Valent.

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