Wiki Business

Nigel Jones dev at
Fri Jul 11 03:27:55 UTC 2008

Hi all, two items of business that I want to bring up

1)  We now have a bot on the wiki, appropriately named Wikibot, this can 
be used for general repetitive tasks such as en-mass addition of 
categories to pages, and some general clean-up tasks that needs 
to/should happen once in a while.
2)  Some pages are getting a bit too big, while some are getting useless 
as time goes on (information for EOL releases.  As such I propose the 
addition of two new name spaces...

a) Archive: (without talk pages)
 Purpose - To allow archiving wiki pages pertaining to EOL releases, 
and/or are no longer relevant to the general user
 Benefits - With proper setup (not searched by default for instance) we 
can help speed up searches and remove old information from general end 
users, BUT still be there for those interested.  Pages like the old 
Extras and FSA pages come to mind immediately.

b) Meeting: (with talk pages)
 Purpose - Allow some separation of end-user based content and 
board/committee/group meeting logs
 Benefits - Marginal, similar to the purpose of Archive though, 
basically, somewhere to keep meeting logs in a place where they can be 
optionally searched but not by default

An alternative to a meeting name space is with proper logging of the 
meeting channels automatically posting meeting logs on Fedora People (or 

As for the large pages, well we have pages that are well in excess of 
the 32KB recommended by the Mediawiki folk, stuff like 
(200KB+) would be better suited to Fedora People, but we don't really 
have any mandate on this. (it'd be nice to have one).

Thoughts, Comments, Suggestions?


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