new wiki hierarchies scheme

John Babich jmbabich at
Thu Mar 13 09:34:40 UTC 2008

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 4:38 AM, Karsten 'quaid' Wade <kwade at> wrote:
>  I think this represents the state of the conversation.
>  While Paul makes a point that a wiki with proper indexing and search
>  doesn't have to care about hierarchies, I'm certain it matters that we
>  define a standard.  Why?
>  * People want to follow a pattern; not everyone, but enough people.  If
>  we give them a template to follow, they will, and it will help make
>  things just that much easier to create and find content.
>  * Hierarchies help identify holes in content.
>  * It helps the army of wiki watchers we need to recruit (aka WikiAntz)
>  So, presuming we are going to lead this wiki guardian charge and
>  presuming my ideas there are sound, how does this
>  New_Organizational_Scheme seem to you?
>  --
I see it this way:

1. Strong search engine technology helps people locate information on
our wiki much more quickly nd accurately, as long as we ensure that
the wiki and formal docs are search-friendly.

2. As was pointed out by Karsten, we mere mortals like an organized
hierarchy, if for no other reason than to spot the gaps and fill them
in. People like patterns.

Best Regards,

John Babich
Volunteer, Fedora Docs Project

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