A Few Questions...

Zachary Hamed zachfedora at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 04:04:36 UTC 2008

Hi again guys,
First of all, thank you Mr. McAllister for your help with the GPG
key...clearly it's all fixed below.

Next, can anyone give me an idea of what you usually do with this
project? About how many people contribute to the Fedora Docs project?
How does the editing process occur (i.e. how do the editors circulate
the documents they edit)? Most importantly, though, how do you get
editing jobs? I'm all ready for some editing, so how am I informed of
the documents I should edit?

Thanks again,

pub 1024D/FEC6E7F6 2008-03-25 [expires 2009-01-20]
key fingerprint = CA07 844A 0730 4C1B C11A 381E A2A5 4FE2 FEC6 E7F6
Zachary Hamed (Fedora Docs Contributor) <zachfedora at gmail.com>
sub 2048g/3F7CCFAB 2008-03-25 [expires 2009-01-20]

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