FDSCo Meeting 2008-05-14 Summary

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at redhat.com
Wed May 14 20:49:02 UTC 2008

John Babich
Eric Christensen
Jared Smith
Dimitris Glezos
Bart Couvreur


We discussed one main item and pushed all others to the next meeting.

The topic was: temporary and potentially permanent focus and process
changes to how we do documentation.  What we focus on and how we do it.

The following points were unanimously passed by FDSCo; some subsequent
discussion points were folded into these final set of points.

        i. FDSCo agrees to turn the attention of this project to content
        that helps Fedora contributors.  This is not done as a
        mandate/order but a statement of intent for the project.  People
        can and should continue on whatever content is of interest to
        them and only pitch in where they want.

        ii. Work on managing the wiki as "gardeners" with one person
        designated to make the project happen (the Chief Wiki Gardener)
        and many hands welcome (Wiki Garden Apprentices and Garden
        Gnomes).  Their job is to make the wiki a tame and happy place
        for all, however that has to happen.  This includes resolving
        MediaWiki to work with Transifex and whatever.

        iii. Push all DocBook XML guides out to be stand-alone projects
        on fedorahosted.org to use whatever toolchain they want; we can
        continue the docs-common tools (within fh.o?) and decide to swap
        in or make publican optional.

        iii.b Decide the best fate for the release notes in a separate
        discussion; cf. docs-common as well

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