Magazine article

Robert M. Albrecht romal at
Sun May 18 16:26:27 UTC 2008


if someone needs a german article for a magazine, I may be of help. I was a 
freelance writer for about 10 years.

cu romal

Paul W. Frields schrieb:
> The opportunity's come up to have a contributor write for a Linux
> newsstand publication -- an 8-9 page article covering installation and
> simple beginning configuration for Fedora 9.  The article can contain
> some screenshots of the kind normally found in these types of
> publications.
> This requires a person to *commit* to have the article ready by around
> June 15th.  Kara and I will get you hooked up with the magazine
> publishers for all the details, which are between you and the
> publication's editors.
> This is a great chance for someone to get involved with publicizing
> Fedora 9 in a way that is guaranteed to reach thousands of readers.
> Interested?  Get in touch with me or Kara offline.

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