update - release-notes module late

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at redhat.com
Sat Oct 11 16:10:54 UTC 2008


We are currently a day late with the POT file for the release notes.  My
current projection is 0700 UTC 12 October, or one day (31 hours), late.

A combination of late content changes and rewriting is the cause.

However, every string will be touched and edited, reducing the need to
change the strings after the Preview Release.


        * This Preview Release translation has a deadline of 21 October.
        * At that time we will package every translation, even partially
        completed ones.
        * You may continue to translate the module after 21 October
        * We will do an update of the module and generate the final (GA)
        release notes module on 06 November.
        * At that time, only translations that are mostly complete will
        be included in the release-notes package build.  The percentage
        complete needed has not been decided yet.
        * You may continue to translate the module after 06 November.
        * A new POT file is generated on the day of the Fedora 10
        release, and translations are updated on
        docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes when each PO files is

Any questions?  Please ask them all!

- Karsten
Karsten Wade, Community Gardener
Dev Fu : http://developer.redhatmagazine.com
Fedora : http://quaid.fedorapeople.org
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