plan for working with release notes

Noriko Mizumoto noriko at
Thu Oct 23 02:15:49 UTC 2008

Paul W. Frields さんは書きました:
> On Thu, 2008-10-23 at 11:27 +1000, Noriko Mizumoto wrote:
>> Karsten 'quaid' Wade さんは書きました:
>>> On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 16:53 -0400, Jared Smith wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 13:41 -0700, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
>>>>> Does this sound like something we can ask the translators to do?
>>>>>         1. Docs team creates all the needed files in
>>>>>         fedora-doc-utils/common/ for each language currently in
>>>>>         release-notes/po/.
>>>>>         2. Translators clone f-d-u to be 'docs-common' locally, next to
>>>>>         the release-notes module:
>>>>>         git clone git://
>>>>>         git clone git://
>>>>>         docs-common
>>>> I thought one of the fundamental points was that we weren't going to
>>>> force the translators to learn yet another SCM system.  We should offer
>>>> alternatives (open a ticket with the info and one of us will do it for
>>>> them) for the steps that would otherwise require tools like git.
>>> Yes, that is a fundamental goal, and currently they don't need to use
>>> *any* SCM to submit translations.  Translators can download the POT file
>>> and submit the PO file via  But for those who
>>> want to build locally to check their work, they need a working
>>> toolchain.
>>> This is worth clarifying in updates to TQSG -- these are actions for
>>> people who want to build locally.
>> Since it seems natural that many translators wish for the capability of
>> building for proofreading purpose, this will be must to include.
>> Or, when committed, some mechanism automatically builds them and
>> publishes somewhere as draft, translators may not need to have git
>> installed for proofreading purpose.
> What if we were to fix the TQSG to include information on how to:
> 1. check out the "new" docs-common,
> 2. add new language support by running a couple commands and translating
> a single small POT => PO file (in other words, exactly as before), and
> 3. file a Trac ticket with the appropriate additions?

Yp, it sounds no problem

>>>>> * For the files in f-d-u/common, what -$LANG format should we be using?
>>>>> For example, there is a po/de.po file, and a common/*-de_DE.xml.
>>>> No clue... all I know is that some languages fall back... so for
>>>> example, a en_US might fall back to en.
>>> Interesting.  It appears that there is a parity right now between the
>>> po/ folder and the common/ folder, especially since I merged the Korean
>>> files.
>> We are expected to change our language code to such as "ja-JP" due to
>> Publican not accepting "_" underscore, no?
>> My memory is bad.
> The Fedora docs toolchain won't mind either format, so translators can
> do as they like, really.
>>>>> * I added *ko.xml to f-d-u/common/.  How do I know if there are any
>>>>> others missing?  Is it OK to expect translators to create those locally,
>>>>> which makes their build work, and submit them to Docs?
>>>> I don't know.  FYI, the Korean language stuff was done just last night.
>>>> It's probably worth documenting what needs to be done to create a new
>>>> language, so that people like myself who are inexperience with the
>>>> translation process have a canonical source to know what to do.
>> >From individual translator's view, even if ko.xml is missing, as far as
>> release-note-ja is buildable then that does not cause any problem for me
>> to perform proofreading. However sometime I like to help other languages
>> translators, so eventually all of other languages xml should be
>> available to pick up somewhere.
> By any chance, do you have a list of new languages that need support?
> If so, and you were to send it to us here, we could start the process by
> creating the files, which translators could then populate as needed.
For release-note, Korean was the only one missing AFAIK. For 
install-guide, Russian (ru), Chinese Traditional (zh_TW) and Korean (ko) 
are missing. I have no consent yet that those translators are going to 
contribute on Installation Guide for F10 though.

There might be more to come from India languages.
/me ping ankit and mishti.


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