User Guide for Fedora 10

Marc Wiriadisastra marc at
Sun Sep 7 00:40:21 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-09-06 at 09:30 -0700, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
> Fact checking the F9 content and beginning work on the F10 content are
> great contributions for new and experienced contributors.  I took a few
> minutes to start up these pages to follow the new wiki structure
> guidelines[1].  One new contributor, Kishan, was looking to start on a
> project like this, and the rest of you are invited to join in.
> One of the first tasks needing doing is for someone to create the new
> pages (using the links on the above pages), populating it with the  F9
> content from Docs/Drafts/DesktopUserGuide/ChapterName.
> Once we get all this rolling and some other task management out of the
> way, hopefully by the middle of next week, I am going to finish the XML
> conversion and publish the F9 User Guide.  What a delay!  But it is
> still worth it, good content for ~9 months. We'll put it out for
> translation, then post those translations as they become available.
> Thanks to those who have put so much work into the F9 version.
> - Karsten
> [1]

The screenshots need to be verified and updated if I remember correctly.
Apart from that the xml was the issue for me so good luck.



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