Upgrade Doc?

Paul Frields stickster at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 15:28:37 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Eric
Christensen<eric at christensenplace.us> wrote:
> Do we need to make a single page guide for upgrading to the latest
> version of F?  My question comes from the fact that at the Fedora
> table at SELF I noted a BUNCH of F10 disks on the table.  I saw F11
> disks on the table after the morning keynote speaker so that was good
> but I wonder if it would be a good idea to have a web address that we
> can point someone to if they do pick up a F10 disk because that's all
> the person running the table has at the time.

I believe there is an Upgrading doc on the wiki that talks about how
to upgrade in various ways. The only problem with writing a
single-page guide is that you have to know that your method has a shot
at being the canonical reference, which may not be the case since the
other page has more googlejuice. Do we know what types of media were
being given out in F10 vintage? Live? Install DVDs?  Would the
instructions change depending on whether people installed, updated,
and then tried upgrades, as opposed to installing and then immediately
upgrading? That's a lot of paths to cover in a single page.


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