Pictures in the Installation Guide

John J. McDonough wb8rcr at
Fri May 1 15:21:38 UTC 2009

Volume 3 Number 2 of Linux+ magazine included Fedora 10 DVDs and an article 
on installing Fedora.  What was especially interesting about that article 
was that it was mostly screenshots.

Of course, we all understand what a huge maintenance burden those 
screenshots become for a product produced in umpteen languages.  But for 
some things, and I would argue especially the IG, they are a huge win.

The average person sees Linux as something kind of scary.  It is too 
complicated for "someone like me", especially the installation.  I have 
spoken to many people over the past year who would like to try Linux, but 
are basically afraid.

Having all the installation steps laid out in front of you in living color 
dramatically lowers that barrier.  You can see every question, and you can 
see that is isn't something you can't answer.

Perhaps it is biting off more than we can chew, but it seems like it has 
great potential.  One approach would be to somehow encourage magazines like 
Linux+ to keep doing this, but that particular magazine is in English, and I 
don't see any evidence it is produced in other languages.  A lot of the 
market is in places that don't speak English, so it would seem to be very 
valuable to have the IG in particular full of pictures in the local 

Is this really nuts?  Is there a lower priced way to approach this?


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