Pictures in the Installation Guide

Ruediger Landmann r.landmann at
Fri May 1 21:35:00 UTC 2009

David Nalley wrote:
> On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 11:21 AM, John J. McDonough <wb8rcr at> wrote:
>> <big snip>
>> A lot of the
>> market is in places that don't speak English, so it would seem to be very
>> valuable to have the IG in particular full of pictures in the local
>> language.
>> Is this really nuts?  Is there a lower priced way to approach this?
>> --McD
>> --
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> I'd largely agree that pictures are a bad idea, for the maintenance
> issues. However Rudi has been putting in tons of work to make that
> happen with this release. I don't envy the work, but provided we
> retain Rudi or someone else willing to do the work I am ok with
> keeping it.

Thanks for the kind words David :)

I (evidently!) agree that pictures are invaluable, for all the reasons 
that John has raised. I invite anyone who hasn't seen the screenshots in 
the new, expanded Installation Guide to check them out. The relevant 
part of the English version starts here:

You can find versions in other languages by going to Section 7.10 of any 
of the languages linked here:

Note that the installation process has not yet been completely localised 
in every language, and has not yet been localised at all in a few.

The bad news is that there's no easy way to maintain these. Every time 
L10N volunteers add another language, screenshots must be taken anew; 
and every time an installation step changes, we need new screenshots in 
36 languages. Also, the screens contain version-specific artwork, 
meaning that in a perfect world we would have to create a whole new set 
with every Fedora release. I wasn't planning to do that though; and was 
only planning to revise "version-obvious" screenshots like the Welcome 
screen between versions. Note too that the Installation screen artwork 
for F11 is not present in the PR and that we might need to talk to the 
artwork team to get this moved up in the schedule in future versions.

A few weeks ago, David and I talked about a "Quick Install Guide", which 
I'm really hoping we can have ready for F12. The QIG could, of course, 
use the same images as the IG.

Comments, suggestions, and feedback are of course very welcome :)


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