News and media coverage plan for Fedora 11

Jack Aboutboul jaa at
Fri May 8 16:24:05 UTC 2009

Was this posted to ambassadors-list?

Steven Moix wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> The release date for Fedora 11 is coming close, so it's time for some
> coordination between the Ambassadors and the Marketing group! In this
> mail, I'm going to address different points, so everyone has a clear
> view of what is going on and how we can effectively split up the tasks.
> Also any feedback is of course welcome.
> 1. In the next couple of days, the Documentation team is going to write
> an official Release Announcement for Fedora 11 in English. 
> 2. As soon as this document exists in a final form, it is going to be
> translated in a couple of languages, if all goes well German, French,
> Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Italian and Arabic. This will be coordinated
> by the Documentation team with the aid of the Translation team. These
> translated versions should be available a few days before the final
> release.
> Now with that being done, we need to coordinate around everything else.
> Earlier this year, the Marketing group has set up a structure called the
> News Distribution Network (NDN) [1], which aims to distribute Fedora
> news to the global media. Some Ambassadors from different languages have
> joined this effort and will be pushing news to a list of publication [2]
> they maintain. 
> Besides that, there are a number of ways in which we really need the
> Ambassadors help:
> 1. Track all the Fedora news you see on the web and add it to our press
> archive page [3], this will help us judge the depth of coverage so that
> we can focus our messaging more precisely in the future.
> 2. At release time, and for a couple of days after that, we need you to
> follow the comments on news websites. People will probably have
> questions there, or you will have Fedora Myths to bust [4]. As much as
> some of us might like to flame people, our official policy is to be as
> professional and possible while at the same time making our points clear
> and well understood. Making members of the community angry us will prove
> unproductive.
> 3. Blog! You can start right now, get vocal about Fedora! Talk about the
> upcoming release and what the time table is. Talk about a feature you
> care about. Talk about how we got to 11, but most importantly, just
> talk!      
> If you feel like there is anything to add to this list, then please feel
> free to reply and make sure to cross post to fedora-marketing-list as
> well. Also, please let everyone know in what capacity you can help so
> that we can coordinate efforts amongst everyone. I hope that everyone
> has a better understanding of the process now :)
> 1:
> 2:
> 3:
> 4:
> Have a nice day
> Steven

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