release notes update

Ville-Pekka Vainio vpivaini at
Mon May 18 08:10:04 UTC 2009

su, 2009-05-17 kello 22:11 -0400, Susan Lauber kirjoitti:
> 2. Something about moin that should have made it well before the last
> cutoff but no one answered the email so it may be worth checking...

I haven't been following the Release Notes process closely, so I'm not
sure whether what's on the wiki matches what is or will be in the
release-notes rpm, but someone has added the moin bit here: - thanks. There is
a small typo in there, though. '/user/share/doc/moin-1.8.2/*' should be 
'/usr/share/doc/moin-1.8.2/*', but I don't consider that to be serious,
since I think server admins will most likely know what was meant and
where the files really are.

Ville-Pekka Vainio

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