Self-introduction: Ben Cotton

Ben Cotton bcotton+fedora at
Tue May 26 15:36:45 UTC 2009

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 7:50 AM, Paul W. Frields <stickster at> wrote:
> There are plenty of easy ways to get your feet wet, including helping
> with some wiki maintenance.  Have you had a chance to stop by IRC and
> say howdy?
I've dropped in from time to time and had a few brief conversations.
I missed last week's meeting because 0001 UTC got shuffled around in
my mind to 0100.  These things happen, I suppose.

> Was there in anything else you've seen in particular that you'd be
> interested in working on?

Nothing particular strikes my fancy.  To start out with, I'll probably
just go wherever I get gently nudged.  I tend to wait for some
direction on things until I get comfortable.

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Eric Christensen
<eric at> wrote:
> Welcome aboard, Ben.  Have you gotten your FAS account, yet?

Yes, I actually found out about the group by poking around the FAS
site.  My ID is bcotton.

Ben Cotton

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