Fedora 11 Release Announcement FINAL

Max Spevack mspevack at redhat.com
Sat May 30 08:07:13 UTC 2009

On Fri, 29 May 2009, Eric Christensen wrote:

> Thanks to Jack and Paul for stepping up and really getting the release 
> announcement[1] built.  We, at Docs, have reviewed the final draft and 
> think we are in consensus that it is complete.  Please look over it 
> and see if anything jumps out at you.  If not, this is what we'd like 
> to go with.

I like it.  It makes me smile, and not much does.

Minor suggestions:

(1) Change Dr. Brattlesworth to some sort of pun on a Fedora name? 
Unless Brattlesworth has some other meaning that I simply don't get.

(2) I read "snares, toils, and dangers" as "snares, trolls, and dangers" 
at first, which might be funnier!

(3) "that marvelous creature -- Leonidas" -- perhaps "the Leonidas"?

(4) If (3), then s/Leonidas/the Leonidas/ everywhere appropriate

(5) I believe people adjourn to the "parlour" for cigars and brandy, not 
the "sitting room".  :)

Good stuff.


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