Pre-porting party and training

Paul W. Frields stickster at
Thu Apr 8 00:19:38 UTC 2010

We have been discussing a training session and orientation to get new
contributors ready to help us with porting content from the wiki into

This would consist of two parts:

* 2010-04-14, next Tuesday after our meeting (actually Wednesday at
  0001 UTC, which is 8:01pm US-Eastern time) -- an orientation in
  #fedora-docs describing how this process works, why it's important,
  and how easy it is to help.

* 2010-04-17, next Friday evening US-Eastern time, we'll gather anyone
  who wants to help, and make sure they have any group memberships or
  other assistance they need for the actual porting.

The porting of content will happen between 2010-04-19, when the
release notes on the wiki freeze, and 2010-04-26, when the last POT/PO
files need to be in the hands of L10n.  Hopefully there will be very
little to do, if we're keeping up with things as we go.

People interested in release notes will want to have the beat pages on
their wiki watchlist (you can set this up in your personal
preferences) so they know when changes happen.

Paul W. Frields                      
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