publishing group suggestion

Karsten Wade kwade at
Wed Apr 28 18:17:41 UTC 2010

11:12 < quaid> ok, here's a thought ...
11:12 < quaid> long tradition is that 'docs' gave full commit access
   to content; I see people still do 
               that with f'hosted repos
11:12 < quaid> (mostly)
11:13 < quaid> we had publishing separate because it was different,
   separate, required training to not 
               break, etc.
11:13 < quaid> but if we're going to be publishing websites with
   publican as the cms (basically)
11:13 < quaid> why not just use 'docs' group as who can publish?

What I was also saying is that we have this:

CMS for docs.fp.o:
* Publican handles publishing and building of content for the web.
* FAS handles authentication.
* Beacon with DocBook extensions could be the wysiwyg editor.

'docs' group membership could be sufficient for publishing.  Why add
another group when we have one well populated with all the people we
want able to publish immediately?

This lowers the barriers a lot for using Publican, but it doesn't give
us a CMS that invites the 10x participation that we get through the
wiki-like interfaces.  Having an easy web authentication layer with a
nice WYSIWYG editor (and a publish button) is a very important goal.

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
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