Moderators queue

Karsten Wade kwade at
Fri May 21 21:26:12 UTC 2010

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 03:38:53PM -0500, Nick Bebout wrote:
> Well maybe I'm actually -0.5. I don't like the idea, it's annoying  
> when you send an email and then forget to set it as from the email you  
> are subscribed with, plus, there might be other people that want to  
> email the docs list.
> I wonder how many of the 200 or so emails are spam and how many are  
> real? Plus, how many emails do we manually approve through now?

Over the years since I have been an admin (2005?) I have cleared the
queue a number of times.  I clear it by using browser page search on
"Subject" and find that I can visually scan a few hundred subjects and
pull the ham from the spam.

I reckon that each pass of ~200 message queue yields 4 potentially
legitimate messages - actual people attempting to communicate.  There
are an equal number of e.g. invites when people let
programs at their address book.  The rest are spam.  2% ham, 3% oops,
and 95% spam.

When I come across someone who is either on the list or should be on
the autorecipient list, I use the queue interface to add them to the
accept list.  For example, the other day Noriko sent from
noriko at, so I passed the message and clicked to add this
alias to the accept list.

I'm an admin on so many lists that I don't let the queue emails land
in my inbox any longer, so I don't scan them for details.  If someone
jumps on the queue once a week, it should work.

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
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