could we fix the scary upload wiki page?

Pete Travis me at
Thu Aug 15 04:54:14 UTC 2013

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:07 PM, Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>wrote:

> I'm not excatly sure what this page *should* look like, but I just saw
> someone give the well-meaning advice that Fedora 17 was the latest release
> that one could upgrade to. The big warning sure looks scary.
> Now that F18 is our latest supported release, could we tone down the
> message
> a little bit? Something like "You can upgrade to a new Fedora release with
> FedUp, which has replaced the old Anaconda-based process." and then a
> little
> later, in a non-warning box, "If you are using an older unsupported version
> of Fedora, we recommend backing up your data and overwriting the old
> installation with a fresh install."
> --
> Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <
> mattdm at>
> --

Sure, I've updated the page. As I said in a previous mail, the IG should be
the point of reference for this - but no reason to leave the wiki stale if
we can help it.

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