My friend git

John J. McDonough wb8rcr at
Tue Aug 20 14:19:08 UTC 2013

Chris Wickert posted this link on Facebook:

The biggest take-away from that page is hidden toward the bottom:

  Here’s the golden rule of git: if you lose data but you checked
  it in somewhere, you can probably recover it. If you didn’t
  check it in, you probably can’t. So check in often!

You've heard a lot of us say commit early and commit often - that's why.

I use git for a LOT of my personal stuff.  It lets me go back easily
when I've shot myself in the foot (as I do often), and it also lets me
go off on several tangents all at once (yeah, scatterbrained).

I have a "remote" repo on my LAN that I push to as often as I commit.
That way if I happen to be at a different computer I can just clone the
repo and have the same thing I had on the first computer, and if my
laptop should die, my important stuff is in the repo even between

And not only that, when I have something I want to share with others, I
simply push my LAN remote repo to gitorious and my friends can follow

So get real friendly with git.  It isn't just one of those process
things you put up with for your guide, it is an amazing tool.


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