Upgrading section of Installation Guide

Chris Murphy lists at colorremedies.com
Wed Dec 18 23:37:31 UTC 2013

On Dec 18, 2013, at 3:19 PM, Adam Williamson <awilliam at redhat.com> wrote:
> I
> don't _believe_ we have made any changes to the efibootmgr stuff between
> F18 and F20,


> or that it is necessary to 'refresh' the grub2
> configuration


> - I think UEFI upgrades at least between F18 and F20
> should not require or even recommend any form of manual intervention
> with grub


> So, I'd recommend replacing "This is not mandatory, but is recommended
> for BIOS systems and strongly recommended for EFI systems." with "This
> is not necessary for UEFI systems. It is not mandatory, but is
> recommended, for BIOS systems."


> and then dropping everything from "To update GRUB on EFI systems..." to
> "After the next reboot, your system will be using grub2-efi."


> The 'fedup can only upgrade from Fedora 17 and above' note is also now
> fairly EOL-y. The "If the contents of your /etc/fedora-release" note is
> I believe a holdover from anaconda-based upgrades and can be removed.

By itself it's misleading and could get F17 users into trouble. I'd remove this section.

Chris Murphy

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