New contributor for FreeIPA guide

Jérôme Fenal jfenal at
Tue Jun 25 13:15:51 UTC 2013

2013/6/20 Jérôme Fenal <jfenal at>:
> 2013/6/19 Jérôme Fenal <jfenal at>:
>> 2013/6/19 Martin Kosek <mkosek at>:
>>> Hello docs!
>>> FreeIPA team would like to help Deon Lackey (CCed) with contributing to and
>>> publish upstream FreeIPA guide [1][2] for Fedora.
>>> I will be coordinating upstream contributions at this point. Can you please add
>>> me to docs-writers and docs-publishers groups?
>> Hi Martin,
>> Hope you're doing well since we met last Feb. in Brno.
>> Do you plan to manage as well the setup of translations for the guide
>> on Transifex?
>> I started to translate it to French a loooong time ago [1], but got
>> drawn away from it by other priorities.
>> Getting the guide on Transifex along with the other Fedora projects[2]
>> would really get it more visibility, and translations into other
>> languages.
>> If you need someone to help here, I may not be the right person to set
>> it up, but Jakub is already managing SSSD translations there. Closer
>> to you than I am ;)
>> But feel free to bless me so I can help, if needed.
> And FWIW, just rang one bell at one of my previous customer who was
> using FreeIPA, and he volunteered as well to help translating FreeIPA
> docs.
> As he is also a contributor to the most read Linux magazine in France,
> he would also use this to write another article there.

Hi all,

I've tried to setup my own translation project
(freeipa-management-guide) for the FreeIPA management guide on
Transifex, and it worked nicely. I'll remove it if needed, as it seems
it's not easy to change the hierarchy to another hub. The Fedora hub
may have to create the project envelope here.

Some context elements:
$ pwd

$ ls
en-US/	    five.cfg  index.lokalize  pot/	
publican.cfg.mine  update
fedora.cfg  fr-FR/    lokalize-scripts/  order.txt    publican.cfg  publican.txt

$ git remote show upstream
* remote upstream
  Fetch URL: git://
  Push  URL: git://
  HEAD branch: master
  Remote branch:
    master tracked
  Local ref configured for 'git push':
    master pushes to master (fast-forwardable)

Here is my script:

# Get there
cd ${LOC}

# do this once only
tx -r . init        # answer some questions...
tx -r . set --auto-remote

# get from upstream @ fedorahosted
git pull upstream master

publican update_pot

# Create/update/push resources in transifex
for file in pot/*.pot; do
    tx set  -r ${PROJECT}.${resource} --source -l en_US --type PO $file
    tx push -r ${PROJECT}.${resource} --source

# prep done for pushing to transifex.

Some of the .pot files were empty, so resource creation on Transifex
ended up in a error. You can remove them once for all from the
.tx/config file (FreeIPA_Guide.pot, Identity_Management_Guide.pot).

My proposal :
- I can destroy my own project, as it would be nice to have it under
the Fedora umbrella in Transifex,
- I will need the creation (and the right rights on my jfenal
Transifex account) of a new empty project on Transifex,
- I can handle the initial population of the resources, based on the
work documented above,
- I will upload my current French translations (not that much though),
- Martin and the FreeIPA team ensure a daily cron job is setup to push
the guide's updated strings to Transifex (push early, push often).
- I co-manage with Martin & whoever volunteers the translation (never
done that on a global basis, but hey, I can try)



Jérôme Fenal

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