Lowering the participation barrier for Fedora Docs

Pete Travis me at petetravis.com
Tue Nov 12 14:30:59 UTC 2013

On 11/12/2013 07:17 AM, Eric H. Christensen wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 04:51:06PM -0700, Pete Travis wrote:
> > I've set up a quick demonstration[1] of some software that I think will
> > address these concerns, a python application called "Nikola"[2]. I have
> > a package review in progress for it, and have already packaged some
> > dependencies. Briefly, it takes plain text files with ReStructuredText
> > or Markdown and transforms them into fully themed static websites. It
> > hooks in to transifex nicely as well. Take a look, you'll find a post
> > detailing how the implementation might work, and a post for the kind of
> > content I envision putting there.
> I've not been able to fully look into your proposed solution but I
> wonder if we're not doing a good enough job in making DocBook XML
> easy.  I've found that I will, at the drop of a hat, create a Publican
> article and start writing things up because it's just easier to output
> the bits in a sane way.  I've tried to use other Markups including
> ASCIIdoc[tor] and I've not found another solution that's as flexible.
> What happens to all the existing source that we have in DocBook XML? 
> If we start something new can we move our existing code over or will
> we be supporting multiple code source types?  With multiple code
> source types we'll just end up supporting multiple tools for rendering
> in the end as we'll never get rid of the old, I suspect.
> I also wonder how we'll handle all the different renderings of the
> guides.  With each guide having four formats and each guide needing to
> be available for each version of Fedora we will quickly reach a point
> where it's very difficult to manage all that output.  We've actually
> been down this road before.  When we were using Publican 1.x we had to
> hand spin our website which turned out to be a nightmare.  What we see
> in Publican 2.x is a direct result of 1.x not being scalable.  We know
> that 2.x is only scalable to a point and thus 3.x solutions (SRPMs)
> being used to maintain that scalability.  I'd hate to see us venture
> down this road all over again, relearning from old mistakes... again.
> I suspect that it may be better to educate people on why DocBook XML
> is a good solution and how to easily mark up a document.  It may also
> be a good idea to figure out how to improve some of our existing
> documents as some of their structures make it very difficult to find
> where things are.
> -- Eric
> --------------------------------------------------
> Eric "Sparks" Christensen
> Fedora Project
> sparks at fedoraproject.org - sparks at redhat.com
> 097C 82C3 52DF C64A 50C2  E3A3 8076 ABDE 024B B3D1
> --------------------------------------------------
I'm not at all proposing a migration or replacement of docs.fp.o or the
publican platform that lives there.  It does its job well.  I'm thinking
of second subdomain maintained by the docs group, with only small
articles.  The kind of stuff that's lost on the wiki or in blog posts
now, because it doesn't fit into a guide.  I agree that DocBook is
superior markup, but there are other considerations.  Publican based
sites don't scale well for a large number of articles. 

Frankly, I want this to me different enough from business as usual to
attract people that may have already said "Oh, I looked into
participating in Docs, and I'm not interested in how they do things." I
envision that by providing an easy opportunity to contribute content and
get it published, we'll both serve our users better AND we'll have a
source of content for Guides, just waiting for more thorough markup. We
can educate people about the benefits of docbook, but we don't have a
captive audience - they have to come to us first.

-- Pete Travis
 - Fedora Docs Project Leader
 - 'randomuser' on freenode
 - immanetize at fedoraproject.org

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