Update on new docs.fp.o website rollout and publishing process change

Eric H. Christensen sparks at fedoraproject.org
Tue Jan 14 02:31:00 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA512

Greetings Docs Folks,

I just had a great conversation with Rudi[0] about what is still needed to move our publishing process from what it is now to what we hope it will be.  As of this moment we are *very* close to having this fixed.  The new server for docs.fp.o exists and is just waiting for Koji to start producing RPMs.  Koji is all but finished, now, only requiring a configuration change to allow SRPMs to be build for our repo.  Once the RPMs are there we'll need to configure the server to 'yum install' those packages (documents).  Once that is complete we'll rsync them to the proxies and all will be right with the world.

This week I'll be working with Release Engineering to try to get the Koji piece finished.  As soon as that is complete we'll be able to start testing.

Rudi is also working on packaging up Publican 4 which will be the basis for the server.  We'll need to make sure everyone upgrades and uses that for the new site.  This shouldn't be a problem for those running >= Fedora 19.  Those running RHEL or CentOS will need to install from the options repo(?).

Hopefully this will be a (mostly) painless transition that will be far more bullet proof than what we've got now.

If you have any questions feel free to ping me on IRC or respond to this email.

[0] For those that don't know Rudi, he's our liaison (and really great guy) to Red Hat Content Engineering and upstream Publican.

- -- Eric

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Eric "Sparks" Christensen
Fedora Project

sparks at fedoraproject.org - sparks at redhat.com
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