
Pete Travis me at petetravis.com
Sat Sep 13 05:59:54 UTC 2014

On 09/12/2014 06:27 AM, Roger Baran, Owner wrote:
> Here is what I put together from our chat yesterday.
> Could you please review and tell me if I missed anything or if there is
> something you would like to add to it.
> I will be using this as a ready-ref as I get myself bootstrapped.
> Thank you in advance
I'll add one more thing that we didn't get to: xmllint.  It will check
your document's XML structure, and validate it against the Docbook
specification.  Sometimes a `publican build` will fail, and publican
will complain, but only about the first error it discovers.  Like any
diagnostic output, it usually will help you find the problem, not point
directly to it.  There are a lot of options, but most commonly you'd
want to suppress all but the complaints, and check that your docbook is
valid, like this:

    xmllint --noout --valid path/to/file.xml

-- Pete Travis
 - Fedora Docs Project Leader
 - 'randomuser' on freenode
 - immanetize at fedoraproject.org

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