F21 Beats Status & Docs Schedule

Jaroslav Reznik jreznik at redhat.com
Wed Sep 24 11:38:32 UTC 2014

----- Original Message -----
> First, the schedule.  You can read it in full at
> https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-21/f-21-docs-tasks.html, but
> the TL;DR version is that this is the week to sprint and cover anything
> remaining. Next week is porting from the wiki into docbook/git and
> dynamically out for translation.
> The system wide changes have had fairly good coverage, with only a few
> unwritten or requiring updates.
> * Server role deployment:
>   This is covered mostly as suggested in the Change page, but I think it
> could use elaboration.  The role deployment functionality is doing *a
> lot*; package installation, firewall configuration, initial
> configuration management, and probably more.
>   Gnome is covered for the 3.12 release, but we're expecting to ship
> 3.14.  The upstream 3.14 notes are under draft? at
> https://wiki.gnome.org/ThreePointThirteen/ReleaseNotes with discussion
> on desktop-devel-list at gnome.org
> * Mono
>   Beat unclaimed and unwritten.

I'm not sure this will make F21. Actually I should say, no way.

> * SCL
>   status unclear from Change page and tracking bug, package not present?

SCLs are still having issues with FPC approval :(.

> * Products
>     The Product specific beats also need work.  Some Cockpit
> screenshots, links to docs and general overview of the Server product
> will improve the already documented Changes.  Much of the *substance* of
> the Workstation release will be covered in the GNOME beat, but I haven't
> written the overview for it yet (still claiming it, though :P ).  The
> Cloud product(s) need the most coverage; while the number of Changes are
> low, there are multiple cloud images being generated and the working
> group generated a massive volume of trac tickets in preparation for the
> release that we should review.
> The Self Contained changes become more important as we approach the Beta
> release, and *all* proposed changes must be completed by 14 October.  To
> contrast that, the porting of wiki content is scheduled to begin on 2
> October.  As of now, the Self Contained Changes are largely
> undocumented.  While contributions in this are welcome, I propose that
> in the short term we focus on completing the System Wide changes and
> migrating to git.  This will give translators more time to work on this
> content and allow maintainers to bring their change pages up to date.
> To make it easier to keep organized, it might be best to work on copy
> for the self contained changes directly in Git.

Yep, System Wide are more important. For Self Contained changes, I can
run call for release notes field update (as it's not needed for Self
Contained to be filled in advance). That could help you - just take what's
in the bug and do sanity check. 

> I'll follow up with a mail about the migration next week. For now,
> thanks for your efforts!  Please remember to coordinate with your fellow
> contributors by replying here or visiting #fedora-docs.

Thanks guys!

> --
> -- Pete Travis
>  - Fedora Docs Project Leader
>  - 'randomuser' on freenode
>  - immanetize at fedoraproject.org
> --
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