Publishing old guides

Ryan Lerch rlerch at
Wed Apr 15 01:01:01 UTC 2015

On 04/15/2015 10:31 AM, Jeff Fearn wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 04/15/2015 09:38 AM, Pete Travis wrote:
>> We've talked about it a lot lately, and there's a general consensus th
> at
>> making room for those smaller chunks would both enable more contributo
> rs
>> and better target Fedora's user base.
> IMO the main problem you face is the heavy start up cost for
> contributing. Using git and CI is not substantially less cumbersome for
> contributors than the current solution. While it may attract a few more
> people like the current contributors, it won't attract new classes of
> contributors.
We have actually noticed this with the Fedora Magazine -- we have a 
steady trickle of new writers adding an article or two. My theory this 
is a contributing factor to this is that they can easily create a draft 
in the wordpress instance.

> You need to make it easy for people to contribute content, and in this
> day and age that means a web interface; just one that doesn't suck.
> What you need is a well curated web-based work flow.
> Most wikis can handle multi-page content, that's your long articles, and
> a small article is just single page.
> Most wikis have a publishing process so you can vet/QA stuff before
> publishing.
> Most wikis have a translation work flow.
> Most wikis allow you to import/cut-n-paste content in several flavors of
> markup. So if some people want to write markdown offline then
> paste it in the web-ui that's supported.
> Most wikis are easy to theme and extend.
> Most wikis have an active community that can help you develop any
> missing features.
> IMO what you need is a docs wiki that you can configure with your
> publishing process as you see fit.
> I don't have a vote for a specific wiki as I haven't done a comparison
> of publishing work flows in a long time.
> Did I mention, all IMO., no offense intended! :)
> Cheers, Jeff.
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