Docs Project Meeting Minutes 12 Jan 2015

Pete Travis me at
Tue Jan 13 01:30:09 UTC 2015

#fedora-meeting: Docs Project Meeting - Agenda:

Meeting started by randomuser at 14:01:07 UTC. The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (randomuser, 14:01:07)

* Follow up on action items  (randomuser, 14:06:57)
  * ACTION: randomuser to ask for writers to participate in working
    groups  (randomuser, 14:08:48)

* New Writers  (randomuser, 14:09:17)

* F22 Schedule  (randomuser, 14:16:50)
  * Change Proposals for F22 have started  (randomuser, 14:17:01)

* Publican & Publishing  (randomuser, 14:26:14)
  * randomuser has no new information for this week on the topic
    (randomuser, 14:26:30)

* product updates  (randomuser, 14:28:06)
  * LINK:   (randomuser,
  * docs people should follow along with the various working groups so
    we know what's going on, volunteers needed  (randomuser, 14:32:09)

* Guide Status  (randomuser, 14:32:23)
  * questions from new user perspective for multiboot FAQ welcome
    (randomuser, 14:34:37)
  * ACTION: lnovich to send virt guide status mail  (randomuser,

* outstanding bz tickets  (randomuser, 14:46:24)
  * LINK:   (randomuser, 14:46:35)
  * ACTION: pbokoc to find out how to make a multiarch DHCP config for
    PXE boot  (pbokoc, 14:51:59)
  * LINK:
    (randomuser, 14:54:02)

* open floor  (randomuser, 14:58:47)

Meeting ended at 15:00:51 UTC.

Action Items
* randomuser to ask for writers to participate in working groups
* lnovich to send virt guide status mail
* pbokoc to find out how to make a multiarch DHCP config for PXE boot

Action Items, by person
* lnovich
  * lnovich to send virt guide status mail
* pbokoc
  * pbokoc to find out how to make a multiarch DHCP config for PXE boot
* randomuser
  * randomuser to ask for writers to participate in working groups
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* randomuser (88)
* pbokoc (29)
* lnovich (18)
* kvaldivia (6)
* pkovar (6)
* zodbot (5)
* rkratky (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`:

-- Pete Travis
 - Fedora Docs Project Leader
 - 'randomuser' on freenode
 - immanetize at

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