Code Examples in Documents

Betty Harvey harvey at
Sun Jun 21 17:59:15 UTC 2015

You can put code into the XML document by using CDATA sections.  
Anything in a CDATA section is ignored by the parser so you can put 
characters that you normally cannot add to an XML document, i.e., less 
than, greater than, etc.

Below is how a CDATA section is constructed for the Docbook example 

         <title>My Code</title>

<h1>CDATA Section</h1>

     <p>Anything in a CDATA section is ignored by the XML Parser.</p>

The parser will also respect any white space in the CDATA section so 
what you see will be what you get inside the section.

Hope this helps!


On 2015-06-21 12:16, David Ashley wrote:
> All -
> In the past when creating a new document that will contain code
> examples in C/C++ or Python I always placed the examples in separate
> files from the main XML. This way it would be easier to test those
> examples to make sure that they work as intended. Being new to the
> Fedora Docs team I have looked at some of the current documents and
> they do not seem to separate the code from the document itself. So I
> am wondering if I should follow that convention or separate the code
> from the XML like I have done in the past?
> Please provide some guidance.
> David Ashley

Betty Harvey                         | Phone:  410-787-9200  FAX: 9830
Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc. |
harvey at                    | Washington,DC XML Users Grp
URL:          |
Member of XML Guild (

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