Thanks for answering the roll call. And now, a question.

Tom Hoffman tom.hoffman at
Wed Apr 18 17:11:34 UTC 2007

On 4/18/07, Jim Kronebusch <jim at> wrote:

> I am not too sure the best platform is Sugar. I am not the most educated as to the
> workings of sugar, so maybe I am talking out of my realm here.  But Sugar looked to be
> prepackaged with certain apps and functionality.  I would still want to be able to
> customize my application offerings for deployment instead of using a predetermined
> application set and I may also want to tweak the interface to fit our users needs.  But
> maybe sugar isn't as flat as it looked to me at first.

You could think of Sugar as a desktop environment like KDE or GNOME
(architecturally, it is sort of a cousin to GNOME).  There is more to
it than that, but it'll do for starters.

It should be possible (in the future) to allow a student to chose
whether to log into GNOME or Sugar on a LTSP terminal.  It also should
be possible to allow them to run Sugar as an application within their
regular GNOME session, in full screen or windowed mode.

Sugar is extensible through its own packaging system.

And it is certainly not flat; if it fails, it will be because they're
trying to go too deep.


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