[free-electronic-lab] Fwd: Milkymist tools in FEL

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Thu Oct 7 19:19:23 UTC 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sébastien Bourdeauducq <sebastien at milkymist.org>
Date: Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 7:30 PM
Subject: Milkymist tools in FEL
To: Chitlesh GOORAH <chitlesh at fedoraproject.org>, devel at lists.milkymist.org


Thank you very much for your enthusiasm getting the Milkymist tools
into FEL :)

Following our phone call this Monday, here is the list of what we need
(in no particular order). I have listed all the "special" stuff, you
probably have some of it already.
* The latest UrJTAG, with Michael Walle's patches merged and FJMEM for
 Spartan-6. These patches add free software support for configuring
 the FPGA on our boards and reprogramming the flash. The patches have
 been merged upstream into UrJTAG. Michael: do we need anything
 special for out-of-the-box FJMEM support, or is it included in the
 stock UrJTAG installation?
* Michael's modified OpenOCD [1], not merged upstream yet. This enables
 in-circuit JTAG debugging of the Milkymist SoC.
* Michael's modified QEMU [2] with LM32 and Milkymist support, not
 merged upstream yet.
* lm32-elf toolchain (including GCC, Binutils and GDB). I recommend GCC
 4.5.1 that has the LM32 support included and a reasonable amount of
 bugs. No patches are needed for these tools, they work as released by
 the FSF. Newlib is not needed for this toolchain, which makes this
 item independent of the licensing discussion you had lately [2]. This
 toolchain is used for building the Milkymist BIOS, the demo renderer
 and the experimental uClinux kernel. All those come with their own
 built-in libc.
* Scilab [4], used for building the demo renderer. The GUI is not
 needed for our purposes.
* Lemon parser generator [5] (you may already have this one).
* RE2C [6] (same comment).
* An easy to configure/pre-installed TFTP server (same comment) for
 netbooting the board.
* lm32-rtems toolchain, which uses newlib so I hope the licensing
 discussions [3] can be settled soon. Again, I recommend the GCC 4.5.1
 based toolchain. There are already Fedora RPM packages available at
 the RTEMS FTP [7] (browse around for SRPMS and other versions) and
 you can see [8] for generic build instructions.
* An installation of the modified RTEMS [9] (not fully merged upstream
 yet) built for Milkymist.
* The flterm serial terminal and firmware download program [10].
* libGD [11] and its development headers (you most probably already have
 this) that we use in the software build process and through VPI in
 some Verilog test benches that process images.
* FTDI libraries [12] (probably already included) for using Yanjun Luo's
 Milkymist One JTAG adapter [13] with UrJTAG.
* Native (x86) clang (LLVM), used for building some host-side tools in
 the build process.
* SRecord [14].
* xxd hexdump command.

Phew! I hope I have not forgotten anything. Anyway, I'll be happy to
install FEL and try to build Milkymist stuff and use the JTAG tools to
check that nothing is missing :)
If all of this sounds too much for you, I can prioritize the list.

There are no FPGA tools (except maybe the JTAG programmer), those are
proprietary and non-redistributable and there are no serious free
equivalents. You already have the Verilog simulators that we use
(Icarus Verilog + GPL Cver) and GTKWave.


[1] http://git.serverraum.org/?p=mw/openocd-lm32.git;a=summary
[2] http://git.serverraum.org/?p=mw/qemu-lm32.git;a=summary
[4] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/SciTech/Scilab
[5] http://www.hwaci.com/sw/lemon/
[6] http://re2c.org/
[7] ftp://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/linux/4.11/fedora/14/i386/
[9] http://github.com/fallen/rtems-milkymist
[10] http://github.com/lekernel/milkymist/blob/master/tools/flterm.c
[11] http://www.libgd.org/Main_Page
[12] http://www.intra2net.com/en/developer/libftdi/
[13] http://lekernel.net/blog/?p=1266
[14] http://srecord.sourceforge.net/

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