BUG: clamav packages badly broken

Kevin Fenzi kevin at tummy.com
Sat Dec 29 21:06:13 UTC 2007

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 21:38:10 +0100
bugs.michael at gmx.net (Michael Schwendt) wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:04:16 -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > Any other ideas? 
> What exactly would make the current packages "more usable"?

Well, here is my list: 

- freshclam should work when the package is installed. Currently it
requires you to comment a line in a script for no reason I can tell. 

- freshclam should not mail "root,postmaster,webmaster,clamav" on any

- freshclam should be set to use your local country mirror for updates. 

- The milter should work with postfix. 

- The subpackages should be reduced and named in a way that an end user
could possibly know what they need to install for the functionality
they are looking for. For example, the upstream docs and every other
package talks about the 'freshclam' update program, it's not easy to
know that in fedora thats in the 'clamav-update' package. 

- The useless 'sysv' subpackages should be folded into the other
subpackages until such a time as fedora stops using sysvinit by

- clamscan looks for a /etc/clamd.conf file for config options, which
is not in that place. If it was it wouldn't work because it needs a
line commented before it's a valid config file. 

- The package could not remove the clamav user on removal. 

I'm sure I could look around for more issues. 

> Why can't a volunteer create and maintain a clamav configuration
> add-on package, which offers a single system-wide clamav daemon if
> that is requested by the clamav user base in Fedora/EPEL?

I suppose someone could... thats not my issue however. My issues are in
the clamav package itself, not just not having a system wide clamd. 


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