EPEL, RHEL-5Server and RHEL-5Client

Johnny Hughes mailing-lists at hughesjr.com
Thu Jul 12 19:11:05 UTC 2007

Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:
> So, here's a fun situation:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=246444
> In brief:
> * python-imaging in EPEL conflicts with python-imaging in RHEL-5Client
> * upstream (RHEL5) requests to remove python-imaging because EPEL is
> not supposed to override upstream
> * removing python-imaging will break dependencies in RHEL-5Server
> How do we deal with the fact that there is RHEL-5Server and
> RHEL-5Client and that they have different sets of packages?

How about just tell them to use yum-priorities?  Then, the server guys
do not get it and the client guys do.

You can also have another repo that is Client-only ... and the only
thing that goes there are deps that do not exist in rhel-server???

You are also going to have things that are in 5 and not 4 (and vice versa).

You will need to handle all these somehow.

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