Duplicity 0.4.3 vs. 0.4.9 - incompatible update?

Rex Dieter rdieter at math.unl.edu
Tue Feb 5 14:15:26 UTC 2008

Robert Scheck wrote:

> I'm the EPEL maintainer of duplicity and I've the following problem: All
> branches currently have 0.4.3 which has a) at least one unfixed CVE and b)
> the version has several bugs which are fixed in later versions. If you're
> looking to Red Hat Bugzilla, there are just a few issues tracked, but
> there are many more - unfortunately. And the other thing is, that
> backporting is IMHO very time-consuming, because there is active
> development and rewrites of the code between the different versions
> without looking to downstream.

Does anything else in epel depend on deplicity? (my quick-n-dirty repoquery
didn't turn up anything).

If not, no brainer, upgrade to the latest.

-- Rex

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