Stupid question

Stephen John Smoogen smooge at
Tue Jul 15 19:30:01 UTC 2008

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 6:43 AM, Jon Ciesla <limb at> wrote:
> FC3 -> RHEL4.
> FC6 -> RHEL5.
> Presumably, F9 -> RHEL6.
> With me so far?

It was more coincidence than planning that put the 3 release schedule
difference there. The releases have gotten shorter in time so it might
be 10 or 11 before EL-6 is split.

> How is maintainership handled when RHEL is based on a Merged (WRT
> Core/Extras) Fedora?  Pre-merge, Core->RHEL and is maintained by RH folk,
> and Extras->EPEL, and is maintained by the community.  Post-merge, there
> are lots of packages maintained or co-maintained by community folks that
> are either historically Core or might be considered so in the process of
> choosing packages for RHEL6.

Normally packages are just split off and pulled into RH's internal
VCS. What packages those are etc are not known until about release
time as the Fedora and EL release systems have to meet different

> Let's say a package was brought into Fedora and is maintained by a non-RH
> person, and RH wants to put it in RHEL6.  Who maintains it?  The current
> maintainer or someone in RH?  What about EPEL?  Presumably not an EPEL
> candidate then?

The package is maintained for EL by a Red Hat engineer and would not
be available in EPEL anymore. The Fedora side would be maintained by
the original person.

> Normally, I couldn't care less whether someone is RH or non-RH from a
> maintainer perspective, I'm just curious about how the above will work.
> Probably a non-issue.
> Thanks,
> Jon
> --
> novus ordo absurdum
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Stephen J Smoogen. -- BSD/GNU/Linux
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed
in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. "The Merchant of Venice"

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