next testing -> stable move for EPEL4 and EPEL5 prepared, details inside

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at
Mon Jul 28 15:49:15 UTC 2008

Hi all!

I prepared the next testing -> stable move for EPEL4 and EPEL5. I will 
actually do the move at round about 20080801 at 5:00 UTC (e.g.
Friday morning CEST).

If one of your packages is in the attached "tobemoved-(s,)rpms-{4,5}"
list and you don't want it moved please tell me soon or it'll be to late 
on Friday ;-)

= Packages that'll be moved ==

Here is the list of packages that will be moved:

== EPEL4 ==

atop bitlbee certmaster cobbler collectl cpqarrayd duplicity erlang 
exiv2 flashrom freehoo func git haproxy khmeros-fonts libssh2 mksh monit 
mysqltuner net6 obby odfpy pastebin perl-Business-CreditCard 
perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP perl-Crypt-GeneratePassword perl-DBD-SQLite 
perl-File-Type perl-File-Which perl-Frontier-RPC perl-Net-Telnet 
perl-Razor-Agent perl-String-CRC32 perl-Test-Pod-Coverage phpMyAdmin 
php-pecl-zip pnp4nagios python-lxml python-pgsql python-sqlite2 
python-sqlobject R-biglm R-car sagator shorewall sipp tcldom tdom tlock 
TurboGears xdialog

== EPEL5 ==

atop bip bitlbee bzr-gtk centerim certmaster cobbler collectl cpanspec 
cpqarrayd dtc duplicity exiv2 flashrom freehoo fs_mark func funtools 
gamazons gxine gyachi haproxy java-1.6.0-openjdk joda-time joni jvyamlb 
khmeros-fonts librelp libssh2 memcached mksh mod_wsgi monit net6 
netdump-server nethogs netstiff ocaml-libvirt odfpy pastebin 
perl-Algorithm-C3 perl-Algorithm-CurveFit perl-aliased 
perl-Business-CreditCard perl-Class-C3 perl-Class-C3-XS 
perl-Class-Factory-Util perl-Class-Inspector perl-Class-MOP 
perl-Crypt-GeneratePassword perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum 
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA perl-Crypt-Rijndael 
perl-DateTime-Format-Builder perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP 
perl-DateTime-Format-IBeat perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL 
perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime perl-DBD-SQLite perl-DBM-Deep 
perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple perl-File-Type perl-File-Which 
perl-Frontier-RPC perl-Heap perl-JSON-XS perl-Module-Refresh perl-Moose 
perl-MRO-Compat perl-Net-SNPP perl-Net-Telnet perl-Params-Coerce 
perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages perl-Razor-Agent perl-Sub-Identify perl-SUPER 
perl-TAP-Harness perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu perl-Test-LongString 
perl-Test-Mock-LWP perl-Test-MockObject perl-Test-Perl-Critic 
perl-Test-WWW-Selenium perl-Time-Period phpMyAdmin php-pear-Log 
php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer php-pear-PhpDocumentor php-pecl-apc 
php-pecl-zip pnp4nagios python-lxml python-paramiko python-pgsql 
python-ruledispatch python-toscawidgets R-biglm R-car sagator sextractor 
shorewall sipp tcldom tdom tlock tomcat-native trac-spamfilter-plugin 
typespeed virt-top wcstools xdialog xpa

= Broken Deps =

FYI, below is a list of packages I had to exclude due to broken deps.

Yet again: I have been excluding some of them for months now... :-/ That 
is not only unpleasant and annoying for the users, it's also makes the 
preparation for the moves harder. I'dd be glad if the EPEL Steering 
Committee could look into this problem and find a solution for those 
packages that are broken for more then two or three months now.

(Note: I also excluded some packages that hit the EPEL repos on Sunday, 
to make sure that they get enough testing before they get moved; those 
are not in the list below, but might be responsible one or two of the 
broken deps)

== EPEL 4 ==

bugzilla* mediawiki-ParserFunctions  perl-libwhisker2 
postgresql-dbi-link postgresql-pgpoolAdmin  python-Coherence 
python-psycopg2* specto nikto

== EPEL 5 ==

abgraph claws-mail* gambit* emacs-gambit emacs-vala fedora-packager 
flumotion  gnome-applet-sshmenu hunspell-he hspell* 
mediawiki-ParserFunctions perl-libwhisker2 python-Coherence 
python-fedora-* revisor-* sshmenu  tkimg-* translate-toolkit vala* 
viewmtn nikto plexus-graph-javadoc rhino-*

= EOF =


P.S.: EPEL-signers, if possible please don't push any new packages to
the testing repos until the package move happens, as that might
introduce new broken deps and thus trouble/a lot of work; tia!
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