Fail2ban + Shorewall Question

BJ Dierkes wdierkes at
Fri Jul 10 00:59:42 UTC 2009

Hello all,

I bring this to the list being that the issue isn't necessarily a bug,  
rather a concern about implementation.  Per the documentation [ 
] fail2ban is _capable_ of supporting shorewall (among other things)  
and even states that "the following software is optional but  
recommended" with reference to shorewall.  However, fail2ban does not  
_require_ shorewall to function.

That said, having a 'Requires: shorewall' in the fail2ban spec seems  
unnecessary and in my opinion improper.  Breaking the package out into  
a sub package doesn't seem necessary either...  being that the only  
file(s) I see that could be split off would be:

]# rpm -ql fail2ban | grep shorewall

Regardless, for the sake of those that have no interest in shorewall  
(and in particular those that want to avoid having to support  
shorewall) I'd like to suggest that fail2ban-shorewall be broken off  
in a sub-package so that the dependency of shorewall is only enacted  
when desired.


Thank you for your time.


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