gridengine in EPEL

Orion Poplawski orion at
Sat Sep 19 03:16:49 UTC 2009

On Fri, September 18, 2009 2:10 pm, Christopher wrote:
> Hello...
>   I've been using a few minor packages from EPEL (like clamav) for a
> while.  Now I am about to start using a package that we rely heavily on
> (Sun gridengine) so I would like to help maintain the EPEL gridengine
> package to keep it current.

I'm the current gridengine maintainer.  The problem I face with gridengine
is that updates (at least for the qmaster) are not "automatic".  Generally
you want to shut down the server, back up the database, install the
update, run an update script that may or may not work, and then start it
up.  This generally doesn't lend itself well to RPM updates.

The way I've been handling gridengine in Fedora is to put the most recent
version into each new Fedora release, figuring people are prepared for
changes going from one release to another.

It might make sense to sync similarly with EL point releases (5.3 -> 5.4),
but it doesn't seem like EPEL has anyway to do this.  A big failing I
think at the moment.

I have no idea if anyone is actually using the gridengine packages in
fedora.  I have to admit that I personally build the current src.rpm for
all of the OS versions (CentOS 5.3, Fedora 10 and 11) that we have and
manage the update manually.

Help and suggestions welcome.

- Orion

Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
NWRA/CoRA Division                    FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                  orion at
Boulder, CO 80301    

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